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No, but speaking extremely rapidly and suddenly changing the subject over and over often is.

There have been some cases of very extreme mania where the patient was speaking so rapidly the words all overlapped each other and all that was heard was an indistinct buzzing noise. However in the patient's own perception he thought he was speaking clearly and others were just being obstinate and unreasonable when they failed to understand him.

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Q: Is speaking in a loud voice a sign of bipolar mania?
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What is the difference between voice and noise?

the difference between voice and noise is the voice is somebody speaking and it is smooth and mellow and noise means loud and mad if you think say noise in your head when you say noise you just no what it means loud big and it could mean danger as well.

What makes a hoarse voice or laryngitis worse?

Any type of strain to the vocal folds though excessive talking, loud talking, loud singing,speaking on limited airflow, "noises" such as car or engine noises produced with the mouth. Also not opening the mouth wide enough when speaking. Speaking with "reversed" breathing.....your stomach muscles should push out when inhaling and push in when speaking. Environmental irritants can also make a hoarse voice or laryngitis worse such as smoke, chemical or even trying to "speak over" loud environmental noise.

What is the difference between loud voice and misbehavior?

A loud voice in and of itself does not imply misbehavior. If a person has a loud voice as a natural part of his/her speaking voice, it is perfectly normal volume. Many people have this feature, such as public speakers, those who deal with hard of hearing associates, and stage actors. The misbehavior associated with a loud voice has to do with the tension involved with the speaker. A child who deliberately raises the volume of his voice in a confrontational manner IS misbehaving. The context is everything in this instance. A person who is normally loud will not be trying to be confrontational. This particular behavior is key to the term "misbehaving". When the behavior is threatening, bullying, or confrontational, then it crosses the line between loud and unacceptable behavior. A child will sometimes use voice control to be confrontational in the mistaken belief that s/he can somehow "backtrack" simply by saying that s/he only was speaking loudly. IF the child normally has a low volume speaking voice and escalates to a loud volume, then this child is deliberately provoking a response. Adults who use this technique additionally imply that the hearer is somehow deficient in either hearing or mental faculties. It then becomes a bullying tactic, one used by both children and adults.

What is to call out in a loud voice?


When was Shocking Loud Voice created?

Shocking Loud Voice was created on 2012-05-04.

What is opposite of soft voice?

The opposite of a soft voice is a loud voice.

What word means having a very loud voice?

stentorian...having a loud or powerful voice

What is the Adjectives in this sentence A loud voice rang out from the crowd?


Can you use your computer as a loud speaker you have a microphone and speakers with the computer can speaking into the microphone and instantly transmit the voice to make it loud at the speakers?

If the motherboard has a mic jack,if not you need a sound card with one. It will only be as loud as the software allows, it is not an amplifier. But you can run it to an amp or your stereo and then to speakers.

If you were in a home with only three other women and you hear a loud male voice that says your name very clearly like it was all around you is that god speaking to you?

Probably not.

How loud is a hippos voice?


What is the difference between being loud and yelling?

Being loud refers to speaking or making noise at a high volume, while yelling specifically involves raising one's voice in a forceful or angry manner. Yelling typically conveys strong emotions such as frustration, anger, or excitement, while being loud can simply mean speaking at a higher volume than normal.