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Scabies and chicken box are unrelated infections, and having chicken pox in the past does not protect against scabies.

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12y ago
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10y ago

Scabies is caused by an infestation with scabies mites, and chickenpox is caused by a virus. While they may cause similar symptoms, they are not related.

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10y ago

Scarlet fever is not related to chickenpox and shingles. Scarlet fever is caused by strep bacteria, and chickenpox and shingles are caused by varicella zoster virus.

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Can you be a chickenpox carrier?

The answer is no: if you have had chickenpox yourself when young, you will have been carrying the varicella-zoster virus responsible for it ever since. This remains dormant, usually forever – unless you come into contact with someone with shingles, which can then re-activate the virus.

Can you get shingles from fever blisters on lips?

You can't get shingles from cold sores. They are both caused by viruses in the herpes family, but cold sores are caused by herpes simplex, and shingles is caused by varicella zoster virus (chickenpox virus).

Do you get a fever with Scarlet fever?

It's not the "fever" part that gives Scarlet Fever it's name it's the rash and the red (scarlet) face that comes with it. Obviously you can have a fever with Scarlet fever...but not always. improved answer: Yes, you always get a fever with scarlet fever. scarlet is the colour of the rash and fever is what comes with it.

Can you get chickenpox if you have shingles?

Yes, you can exercise when you have chickenpox if you have no fever and feel OK. You should stay isolated until all bumps and sores are scabbed over, so that you don't spread the infection to anyone else. You should also avoid getting overheated, as it may increase itching.

What does scarlet fever?

scarlet fever can attack your eyes you would be blind

What kingdom is scarlet fever in?

The kingdom scarlet fever is in is the Monera kingdom.

How long can you have fever if you have chickenpox?

The fever for a child with chickenpox will usually last for two to three days.

What is the microorganism description of scarlet fever?

Scarlet fever is caused by streptococcal bacteria.

What is Scarlet fever also called?

Scarlet fever is also known as scarlatina

When was Scarlet Fever - band - created?

Scarlet Fever - band - was created in 2010.

How can I use the word scarlet fever in a sentence?

Scarlet fever is a contagious disease.

What does scarlet fever cause?

Scarlet fever is a rash that is caused by strep infections.