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Is it made with wheat?

Then no, it's not gluten free.

Gluten is WHEAT. Wheat is GLUTEN.

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Is white bread gluten-free?

no, it is made with wheat

What do whole wheat bread and white bread have in common?

They are both made from wheat and would contain gluten.

Does white bread have wheat gluten in it?

White bread is rich in vitamins & minerals and it's also low in calories & fat, so it is healthy.

Is there any kind of bread that doesn't have gluten wheat oats corn white rice egg white or sugar in it?


Does 50 50 bread have gluten?

Yes it does because you are still using white flour in the recipe

What type of flour has a highest gluten content and gives a strong structure?

Strong white bread flour and strong wholoemeal flour contains the most gluten because it reacts with the yeast and forms the bread dough

What percentage of people are eating gluten free?

That will vary a great deal depending on what food item you are analysing. For example, fruits and veg will have no gluten in, in any country (since gluten is only found in grains such as wheat, oats and rye). However bread will have a significant amount of gluten in (unless it's labelled "gluten free"), as will any food items made from wheat flour, oats or rye (and some other grains). Gluten percentage doesn't usually vary between countries when comparing similar food items (for example a white bread loaf in the UK will have a similar gluten content to a white bread loaf in the US). "Country" makes very little difference when comparing gluten content; it is the item of food itself that determines gluten content.

Are there any breads that gluten free?

Yes, there are commercially sold gluten-free breads found in large supermarkets as well as in specialty health-food stores. There are also many recipes available for baking gluten-free breads at home.

What is the difference between plain white flour and strong plain flour?

"Strong flour" is the British term for high gluten flour made from "duram" wheat, literally, "strong" wheat. In the U.S., this is known as bread flour. It is used for baking yeast breads, where a chewy texture is desirable. Bread flour has a higher percentage of protein, which forms the elastic, chewy, texture of gluten.

Why are flour the best flour for bread making?

Flour helps in adding texture to the bread and sometimes helps in rising. The best flour to use for bread making is Strong White Bread Flour which can be found in grocery stores like ASDA!

Does white bread have a higher moisture level than wheat bread?

White bread is a wheat bread. Now if you mean 'whole wheat' versus white, then the whole wheat is made from flour that still contains the bran and germ of the wheat grain. Plain white flour is made from only the endosperm. Whole wheat bread is considered healthier than plain white bread. Please note that there is a white whole wheat flour on the market.

Is flour less bread better?

Is flourless bread better than what? In order for a product to be "bread" it must have some sort of flour, otherwise, it is not bread. If the question refers to gluten-free bread, then that is "better" in the sense of healthier for individuals who cannot tolerate gluten, a type of protein molecule. If the question refers to highly- refined white flour, then breads made with other types of whole grain flours are "better" in terms of vitamins, minerals, fiber and complex carbohydrates.White flour has gluten in it. But, if you used wheat flour or any other kind, it would be better. White flour was originally used just to make things fresh longer. It was never indicated for using in every single food.