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I think, maybe yes.

Please, remember salt (NaCl) causes stomach acid (HCi).

Less Chloride (Cl) reduces the problem,

which is actually the Sodium (Na) loss

in the enlargened kidney pours

(burst larger from high blood pressure).

The larger pours loose small ions like Na, Mg, (Ca)

but hold back larger ions like Chloride

into the blood again.

But Astaxanthin found in shrimp, lobster & Salmon

help rebuild the kidneys pours

(to become smaller,

& able to retain (=keep) more Na,

which will neutralize

the acid in the blood,

before it gets to the stomach).

Strangely canned Salmon also can have the advantage of more Calcium

if you eat the cooked bones, also.

The fat from the skin is also helpful for calcium regulation.

Salmon is probably also a good tip against Oesteoporosis

(=weak bones, from lack of calcium).

There are different qualities of Salmon, e.g. natural, well fed, correctly handled & prepared.

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Q: Is salmon ok to eat with acid reflux?
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What is salmon as a singular noun?

SALMON, it can be both plural and singular. SO be careful when ordering and try not to say "I WANT SALMON" because you should've of said "I WANT ONE/A SALMON" OK? because then you will get more then you want! LOTS OF FISHIES! well ok. that's it. and if im wrong then use GOOGLE! byee:)

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