

Best Answer

No, what really works is slathering your face with cheap makeup and not washing it off for a week and a half

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Q: Is rain water a remedy of acne?
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what is the most effective home remedy trearment to clear away acne?

what is the most effective home remedy treatment to clear away acne

What is the remedy for acne blemishes?

ONLY TIME, Nothing else

What is a home remedy for cat acne?

well there really is no home remedy-cat acne is sometimes caused by an allergic reaction my 1 yr old cat had acne we took her to the vet and got her some medication for it and also she got a cortizone shot the acne was gone within the week :] hope this helps

Best home remedy to treat cystic acne?

Calomine lotion

What is a home remedy for severe acne?

once or twice a day rub hydrogen peroxide an your face. wait for about five minutes then RINSE your face with JUST WATER.

Get rid of acne naturally without chemicls etc?

I got this off of: The simplest home remedy for acne is drinking water. Drinking 7-8 glasses of water is beneficial for cleansing the toxins present in the blood. Water is a good medium for removing toxins. Drinking excess water has been linked with good complexion. Drinking herbal water is a well known acne herbal medication for removing pimples. It is made by boiling a glass of water with 2 fenugreek seeds and 1 corn hair. Applying Bengal gram flour mixed with curd is known to be beneficial for the skin diseases like acne. Green gram flour mixed with water is a good way to cleanse the skin. Gram flour is a popular acne herbal medication and also acts like a mild bleach. Cucumber juice singly or mixed with juices of carrot, lettuce or alfa alfa is considered an excellent home remedy for acne. Another acne herbal medication is fenugreek seed. They are used for prevention of skin infections like acne. For this a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds (methi) are boiled in a liter of water for few minutes. This water can be used for cleansing skin, as a face wash and applied overnight. A cystic acne remedy is fresh juice of apricots which is applied on the affected area for relief and cure. Almond oil is beneficial for dry and inflamed skin. Applying a paste of ground fenugreek leaves overnight over acne is beneficial. It also acts as a preventive acne herbal medication and keeps the skin healthy. Acuzine a food supplement made from natural ingredients is a popular natural remedy for acne. The methods mentioned above are only for informative purpose and not for curing any disease.

What are some home remedies for pimples involving baking soda?

Baking soda is an inexpensive and easy home remedy for acne. It only requires gently washing or scrubbing the face or other acne prone areas with baking soda and warm water. Acne may return after discontinuing the use, however.

Is there a home remedy for head acne?

Everyday, put alchohol all over your face. it always works. the alchohol will dry up the acne and it will go away.

What is a natural solution for acne?

To get rid of acne naturally, the best remedy is aloe vera gel. Apply the aloe vera juice on the affected area and masaage for 2-3 minutes. Leave for 15 minutes, than rinse off. Do, this twice daily. You will get rid of acne.

Does vinegar help for acne?

Apple cider vinegar is a well known remedy for acne. Use beauty products containing apple cider vinegar to cure acne. Vinegar exfoliates and remove dirt and bacterias onto skin which reduce acne formation.

What is the most popular home treatment for acne?

Isotretinoin is a powerful medication used to treat sever cystic acne and other acne that has proven resistant to other medications. Isotretinoin is considered the most effective acne treatment because it is the only treatment that effects all four factors that cause acne; clogged skin pores, excess oil production, Propionibacterium acnes and inflammation.

If you have acne how can you get clear skin using home remedies?

You can use a few vegetables for treating acne: Cucumbers are known to be very good for the skin and therefore and good to treat acne. Add them to your daily diet, you can eat them fresh or add them to salads. Lemon is a very good solution for acne problems. When you have acne you need to apply some fresh squeezed lemon juice on the acne so it will go away faster. You can use cotton balls to saturate the lemon and tap them on the acne pimples. Wash the skin after about 30 min. Garlic is a well known home remedy for many illnesses, keep garlic at your pantry just in case. For acne treatment apply garlic on the pimple, you will get fast results after a few days. Water is the best solution for many illnesses. Our bodies contain water and therefore drinking water solves and prevents many health problems. Drinking water will keep your skin healthy and young and will help preventing acne. Egg whites are also beneficial as an acne natural treatment. Apply them on the acne when it appears, this will dry the acne and after a few days they will go away.