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Q: Is pharyngeal diphtheria airborne or droplet?
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What are 3 types of transmission based precautions of microorganisms?

airborne, droplet, and contact

How is sars transmitted?

Airborne / droplet infection (sneezing/coughing) SevereAcuteRespiratorySyndrome. Found in Civet cats.

Can strep throat spread by talking?

Strep throat spread by droplet infection. This is airborne infection, mainly.

What is the medical term meaning inhalation transmission?

Airborne or droplet transmission are commonly used to describe infections that are spread through inhalation.

What is the singular possessive of droplet?

The singular possessive of "droplet" is "droplet's."

What differentiates droplet transmission from airborne transmission?

Droplet transmission occurs when respiratory droplets carrying infectious agents travel short distances (typically within 3 feet) through coughing, sneezing, talking, or singing. Airborne transmission involves the dissemination of infectious agents through smaller particles that can remain suspended in the air for longer periods and may travel farther distances, increasing the risk of transmission.

What source s can infect humans with tubercle bacillus?

Since its an airborne disease, the source is the droplet nucleid expelled when an infectious person (With pulmonary or laryngeal TB) sneezes, coughs, or sings.

What decreases the spread of airbourne droplet transmission?

Wearing masks, maintaining physical distance, improving ventilation, and practicing good hand hygiene can all decrease the spread of airborne droplet transmission. Additionally, getting vaccinated can also help reduce the risk of transmitting and contracting infectious respiratory diseases.

What is the correct spelling of the adjective for pharynx?

The correct spelling is "pharyngeal."

Can you still get diphtheria?

can you die from Diphtheria?

What is a virulence factor for diphtheria?

The virulence factor for diphtheria is an exotoxin named diphtheria exotoxin.