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It should be an entirely personal choice, so definitely emotional; but obviously family members will need to know your wishes because the organs have to removed as quickly as possible after death, so that gives both domestic and emotional components to the choice.

(I write as one who chose to be on the National Health Service's organ-donor register.)

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Q: Is organ donation a domestic or emotional issue?
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There has been a lot of debate amongst Jews on this topic. The majority decision is that saving lives through organ donation overrides the requirement for bodies to be buried intact. Therefore, yes, organ donation is allowed in Judaism.

Is it possible to take your name off the organ donation list?

Yes. Contact the agency who signed you up on the organ donation list or your state's health official.

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No, in the Organ Donation case study named "Go Ahead and Cut Him," motivation does not matter.

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no no no people don't die from organ donation they take the organs when their dead

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The bible says nothing about organ donation directly, but if you take commandments like "love thy neighbor as thyself", it could refer to giving up your organ so someone else can live. Some people believe organ donation is wrong because it defiles the sanctity of the human body.

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Firstly , i organ donation is something 'like giving some1 your organs yoSecondly , i dont know what transplantatiton means also it is necessary because i don't

What is a person called if he gets a organ donation?

recipient or donee