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Q: Is only one kind of pathogen.?
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The molecules on pathogens that enable the immune system to distinguish one kind of pathogen from another are called?

The molecules on pathogens that enable the immune system to distinguish one kind of pathogen from another are called antigens. Antibodies destroy pathogens by binding to the antigens on the pathogen.

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What kind of pathogen normally cause mosaics and motling?

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What kind of pathogen is Croup?

viral a bacteria cause croup in child

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what kind of pathogens normally cause mosaic and mottling

What kind of pathogen cause cholera?

The type of pathogen that causes cholera is bacteria... one called Vibrio Cholerae (V. Cholerae). It's a gram-negative thingamajig - no idea what that is, sadly.

What kind of pathogen is mono?

It is caused by a virus, Specifically the Epstein-Barr Virus.

What are the four main disease carrying microbes?

Bacterium Fungi Viruses Pathogen pathogen is correct but not protozone because the one that carries disease is the pathogen and it is also one ofthe main four. You could say it is a protozone but, the better answer would be Pathogen. So protozone is not in the main four.

Is a pathogen a type of virus that only kills bacteria?

No. The word pathogen means to "make disease". The type of virus that kills only bacteria are called bacteriophages which means "bacteria eaters".

Is it healthy to eat raw cabbage or does it contain some kind of pathogen in raw kind?

yes its healthy to eat raw cabbage

What is immune response?

An immune response is part of the body's defense against pathogens in which cells of the immune system react to each kind of pathogen with a defense targeted specifically toward that pathogen.

Infectious diarrhea - what kind of isolation?

Diarrhea is not contagious nor infectious; infectious stuff is only an pathogen (viruses, bacteria, parasites) and it's the same with contagious. I had diarrhea once but in my school no one got infected with it too. Infection and/or contagious diarrhea is just absurd.