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== == Actually, no. 25% of pregnant women do not experience morning sickness, and have entirely normal pregnancies.

Most women who do not have morning sickness go full term without miscarriages. There are a few studies that show that having no morning sickness can be correlated to a higher incidence of miscarriage, but there are equal numbers of studies that say that there is no relationship between the two. Many people have said that morning sickness is an indication that the pregnancy is healthy, but nothing proves that lack of having it can be linked to having something going wrong, either.

Get regular prenatal checks and talk to your health care professional to be sure that all is going well, and do not let yourself worry over something that probably means nothing, and for which many women would envy you. * Well, of course all women are different. But having morning sickness is my trademark. When I didn't have morning, afternoon or night sickness like with my other pregnancies, I did worry. I miscarried at 5 weeks. * Lots of women don't have morning sickness.

* I didn't have it with either of my pregnancies. First time 'round I felt a little nauseated and off my food in the evenings. Second time 'round (with twins) I had no nausea at all. * It is absolutely correct that each woman is different, and may or may not have nausea or vomiting associated with being pregnant. I had it off and on, morning, afternoon, or night, throughout one pregnancy, and none at all with my other ones!

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Q: Is no morning sickness a sign of probable miscarriage?
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NO, morning sickness is a good sign that you are pregnant.

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No, it probably means that you are about to have your period. Typically, the first sign of pregnancy is morning sickness, although you might miss your period before you have morning sickness.

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Not exactly, no. That is not a true sign of pregnancy. Morning sickness can be a sign, but not a lack of appetite.

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morning sickness it can occur 2 - 8 weeks after conception

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yes starting today

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Some womens breasts become sore and you might get morning sickness.

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Yes. Feeling bloated and having minor pains is a sign of pregnancy. It usually occurs the second month along with morning sickness.

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morning sickness is a good sign it means your hormones are increasing and your embryo is growing and pregnancy advancing. good luck