Nerve damage is very bad, and often fatal. It is the leading cause of Heart disease & stroke.
Nerve Damage was created in 2004.
Yeah! any type of addiction is bad even caffeine (coffee). Alcohol is horrible for you it can damage your liver; and if you mix it with medicine it eather can kill you or damage the optic nerve ( eyes) and leave you blind.
Are you trying to heal or inflict nerve damage?
The vagus nerve is located in the arm of a human. The lap band fill procedure can cause nerve damage to this nerve.
it depends on what the nerve damage was from and how much your body has healed
blinking is an involuntary actSometimes my typing is bad because of an involuntary double-strike due to nerve damage.
vagus nerve
Ask your Vet. Nerve damage may be caused by conditions that can be fixed.
Yes, it can, I've suffered from mono and have permanant nerve damage in my neck.
Nerve Damage.
Certainly. With most surgical incisions nerves will be cut, and therefore it is possible that nerve damage will occur.
Yes, a fall can potentially damage a nerve next to the eye, such as the infraorbital nerve. Trauma from a fall can lead to nerve compression, contusion, or injury, causing symptoms like numbness, pain, or loss of function in the area supplied by the affected nerve. If you suspect nerve damage from a fall, it is important to seek medical evaluation for proper diagnosis and treatment.