Lysogenic !
Unlike lytic viruses, lysogenic viruses do NOT lyse the host cell right away where as lytic cells do.
The pox virus is related to the herpes viruses and they are lytic but can become latent. Latency is not the same as lysogenic.
causes Disease
lytic it goes through the lytic cycle
Yes rabies is lytic. The lytic cycle is a cycle of viral reproduction and is how some diseases are spread.
The virus that causes AIDS, HIV, is lytic in nature. Once it attaches itself into a host cell, it will go about integrating its genetic material into the host cell and use its machinery to force the cell to make copies of the virus. Additionally, the viral cell will kill the host cell in the process.
Yes, herpes virus could be refered to as a lysogenic virus. However, the virus could also be a lytic virus as well. Depends on the type. HSV 1 or HSV 2 or HSV 6.Herpes is lysogeniclysogenic
mexicans this will clear all your questions
Virus reproduces inside a living host by replication during lytic and lysogenic cycle .