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Mono is an STD. It can be transfered by the obvous. But it is called the kissing disease and can be transfered by kissing, or by having blood get into your system, ie. blood from a cut getting into a cut you have

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Q: Is mono contagious even when dormant?
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How long is mono contageous?

The mono virus is contagious before the person even knows they have the illness; this is called the incubation period. It is contagious the whole time the person has mono.

Is hpv contagious when its dormant?

HPV is not contagious as long as your immune system supresses it. If it is dormant, your immune system is properly controlling it and it isn't contagious.

Can you have mono and strep in your bloodstream and not be contagious?

Strep throat and mono are contagious, it doesn't matter if they're paired or not.

If some one has mono will they always be contagious?


Can mono be spread through sweat?

Mononucleosis is not contagious through sweat. Mono is spread by saliva.

Is it bad to get your nose pierced with mono?

Yes! Mono is contagious - just wait until you are healthy.

Can you get mono from playing the flute?

if someone recently put their saliva all over it, then yeah. but its not likely unless they are contagious with mono.

Is glandular fever contagious?

Yes, the glandular fever is very contagious. It is generally transmitted by saliva. It is known as "the kissing disease" or "mono."

How contagis is mono?

symptoms of mono contagious can last anywhere from 2 weeks to 4 months but in worse cases, it can last up to 7 months.

If you have mono does that mean the last person you kissed has mono?

Not necessarily. Usually you are contagious 6-8 weeks before you are diagnosed with mono. Therefore if the last person you kissed was within that time frame then there is a pretty good chance that he or she might have mono.

Is Mono contagious?

Mono is an STD. It can be transfered by the obvous. But it is called the kissing disease and can be transfered by kissing, or by having blood get into your system, ie. blood from a cut getting into a cut you have

Do you have to tell your partner if you have mono?

Yes, it is important to inform your partner if you have mono so they can take necessary precautions to protect themselves and seek medical advice if needed. Mono is a contagious virus that can be spread through saliva, so it is best to communicate openly to prevent transmission.