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No it doesnt have any positive caloric properties and has some nasty stuff in it to make it visible and it has residues that will stick to things when its wet so I would go for marshmellows if you like the color white....

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Q: Is mining chalk safe to eat?
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Can you eat chalk while breastfeeding?

why the heck would you wat to eat chalk.

What is a chalk mine?

A chalk mine is an underground quarry where chalk, a soft, white, porous sedimentary rock, is extracted. Chalk mines were historically used for various purposes, including mining chalk for agricultural use, construction, and manufacturing purposes.

What happens if you eat a piece of chalk?

Eating a piece of chalk can lead to gastrointestinal irritation and blockages. The chalk may also contain harmful chemicals or additives that are not meant for consumption. It is not safe to eat chalk and should be avoided.

Why do some people like to eat chalk?

Some people like to eat chalk because they think it taste good.

Why do snails eat chalk?

I have never heard of water snails eating chalk, i just go to the pet store and get some algae wafers

Is it safe to snort chalk?

Absolutely, 100% at all costs

What was the reason for chalk being inveted?

to eat it

What mineral is one lacking if they eat chalk?

* * * *

What should you eat instead of chalk?

Rennie tablets

Which magnesium carbonate chalk is the safest to eat?

Food-grade magnesium carbonate chalk is typically considered safe to ingest because it is specifically produced for human consumption. However, it is always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before consuming any form of chalk or supplement to ensure it is safe and appropriate for your individual needs.

Can you eat chalk?

Yes, some people do eat chalk, especially if they have calcium deficiencies. If you are craving chalk, you might have pica disorder, a calcium deficiency, or other issues, so please see a doctor immediately.

Why do people eat chalk for a heart burn?

Well, our chalk has mostly turned to candy now; but it is because chalk is very basic, which counteracts the high acidity associated with heartburn.