Vectors are the transportation means of germs.
Meningitis is spread by coming in contact with the saliva or mucus of someone who already has meningitis. Meningitis affects the membranes that enclose the spinal cord and brain.
There is no vector for the spread of TB.It is primarily spread person to person
They are related in that vectors are the organisms carrying the pathogens or virus itself. A virus relies on the vectors to spread to other organisms and reproduce.
A throat infection can spread to the ears, nose, or even brain. However, it doesn't usually spread to the muscles unless a meningitis (brain layers infections) is present. Meningitis can cause stiffness of the muscles.
anyone can get meningitis. its cells are carried in the air. smokers are at increased risk of meningitis. it can infect open wounds, or can be spread during surgery if anything unsterilized gets into your body's bloodstream.
Symptoms of viral meningitis include headache, fever, stiff neck, sensitivity to light, and nausea. To identify it early and prevent its spread, seek medical attention if you experience these symptoms, especially if you have been in close contact with someone who has meningitis. Early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent the spread of the virus to others.
A disease which is carried and spread by an agent (animal or microorganism) is a vector spread disease. Eg. Mosquitoes are the vectors for malaria.
it prevents vectors from breeding
Meningitis is primarily spread through respiratory secretions like saliva or mucus, often through close contact with an infected individual. It can also be spread through direct contact with an infected person's respiratory secretions or by touching surfaces contaminated with the bacteria or viruses that cause meningitis.