There are great books on memory loss at your library, same with magazines. I suggest talking to him/her personally and seeing what he has to say on memory loss.
It can be long term memory loss or retrograde memory loss. In either case it can be called amnesia.
It depends upon whether they hit their head or not. A bump to the head can cause memory loss. Another cause of memory loss is stress or anxiety.
I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother. First I suggest this website that gives some really good information and provides a questionnaire to help you decide if the memory loss of your grandmother is related to old age or a greater concern. . And I also have this website that can help you look for a doctor that specializes in memory loss.
When the computer starts to present loss of memory or becoming forgetful. 2 to 4 GB is a good amount of memory for any computer.
Memory loss should be assessed by your family physician. However, additioanl information regarding the loss of memory can be found at
Memory loss is not correlated with signs or pointing to a stroke. Memory loss is highly correlated with Alheizmer's disease. Signs of a stroke are loss of muscles, usually half the body.
The symptoms of memory loss diseases include forgetfulness,confusion, loss of memory, and forgetting what you are doing. These symptoms can be treated with medication, but it may not always be successful.
Here you are more likely to suffer from mood swings then loss of memory.
Amnesia, but Dementia and Alzheimer's also cause loss of memory.
Loss of memories that are not recent....
temporary memory loss just GOOGLE memory loss removing left side brain tempo .