No , masturbation is not good for enlarged prostate , it will bring more irritation to the prostate gland and it will make more bacteria to enter this organ , when a man has gained this disease , they should seek help from the doc and use the drugs to cure it and make it to become the normal size . The diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill is a kind of herb that enlarged prostate suffers can use . I think the enlarged prostate suffers should also avoid having sex .
When men reach their mid-40s, the prostate gland begins to enlarge.
It is possible. Check with your doctor.
Four lobe naming anterior,posterior,median &lateral lobe.
No. It may cause lung cancer, but it has no effect on the prostate.
In terms of TURP surgery, the acronym TURP stands for transurethral resection of the prostate. This surgery is a possible treatment for an enlarge prostate gland.
Prostate Cancer can cause the prostate gland to swell. This swelling can narrow or restrict the urethra altogether. It is possible to have prostate cancer and not experience any problems with the urethra.
Masterbation does not cause prostate cancer.
Fruits with seeds produce hormones that cause fruit to enlarge. If you want seedless fruit to enlarge then you can treat it with the hormones (dip it in them).
There is no known link between LSD and prostate cancer.