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Luminal is a substance that is used in glow sticks to make them glow. It is also used by forensic investigators to detect blood at crime scenes. Luminal is a dangerous substance and it is not safe at all for the blood stream. You should avoid contact with the skin and mucous membranes.

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Q: Is luminol safe in the blood stream?
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What is luminol used for in crime scenes?

The basic idea of luminol is to reveal blood traces with a light producing chemical reaction between several chemicals and hemoglobin.

What is an episode from CSI that uses luminol?

In Season 6, Episode 7 of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation titled "A Bullet Runs Through It, Part 1," luminol is used to detect blood in a crime scene. The forensic team sprays luminol on a crime scene and discovers blood spatter patterns that help them piece together what happened.

Explain why ivestigators may spray a crime scene with HCI before using luminol?

Investigators may spray a crime scene with hydrochloric acid (HCl) before using luminol to help remove any potential contaminants or residues that could interfere with the reaction of luminol with blood. This ensures a clean surface for the luminol to detect any hidden blood traces effectively.

What chemical is used to detect blood after it has been wiped from a surface?

By The Wanderer Luminol

What chemical can be used to detect blood even when it's been wiped clean?

Luminol is a chemical that can be used to detect blood even when it has been wiped clean. It reacts with the iron found in hemoglobin, producing a blue glow which indicates the presence of blood.

The chemical used to locate blood at a crime scene?

Luminol is a common chemical used to detect blood at a crime scene. It reacts with the iron in hemoglobin, causing a blue glow under UV light. This can help investigators identify blood even if it has been cleaned or hidden.

What chemical reagent makes blood glow luminously?

The chemical reagent that makes blood glow luminously is luminol. When it reacts with the iron present in hemoglobin, it produces a blue light that is visible in dark conditions. Luminol is often used in forensic investigations to detect blood at crime scenes.

What method do CSIs use to detect blood?

they use luminol spray and an ultra violet light

Does luminol change a different color when it makes contact with animal blood?

No it stays blue, it only turns blue in the presence of blood

Does luminol work better with human or with animal blood?

It "works" better with neither; it reacts equally well to both, even though the blood of lower vertebrates, such as birds and lizards, has nuclei, whereas the blood of mammals does not. Luminol will react with most substances that have large amounts of iron. It will even react to horseradish.

Who invented Luminol?

Luminol was invented by German chemist Walther Specht in 1918. It is commonly used in forensic investigations to detect traces of blood at crime scenes.