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If you know for sure that you are pregnant, it is probably not going to be your period, although some women have experienced a "first" period then learns a couple of weeks later that they really are pregnant. It is possible that it could be implantation bleeding caused by the fertilized egg to attach itself to the uterine wall. Or it could be a cervical change that can cause vaginal bleeding. Vaginal bleeding can also be a symptom of ectopic (tubal) pregnancy. Another cause for bleeding during pregnancy is a miscarriage although the first two reasons for bleeding are more common, it is still a good idea to contact your doctor if you are too concerned.

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Q: Is light pink bleeding in pregnancy a cause for concern?
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I have taken 2 positive pregnancy tests but am lightly bleeding is this normal?

Yes. Light bleeding is normal. When the embryo embeds itself into your uterine wall it may cause spotty or light bleeding. 90% of women have this happen in the beginning stages of pregnancy.

Is spotting normal for 16 weeks of pregnancy with light cramping?

It could be a cervical change that can cause vaginal bleeding. Vaginal bleeding can also be a symptom of ectopic (tubal) pregnancy. Another cause for bleeding during pregnancy is a miscarriage although the first two reasons for bleeding are more common, it is still a good idea to contact your doctor if you are too concerned.

How long does light bleeding in early pregnancy last?

Light bleeding in the first few weeks of pregnancy is also called implantation bleeding. It can last anywhere from 1 to 7 days. It will be extremely light if it is indeed implantation bleeding. Women can experience very light "periods" during the first 6 months of pregnancy.

Is bleeding during very early pregnancy normal?

Bleeding during pregnancy is not "normal" but some light spotting is reported by about 50% of women in early pregnancy.

Should there be Light bleeding in early pregnancy after intercourse?

Sometimes there is light bleeding (of the pinkish variety) after intercourse because the cervix is very sensitive when you are pregnant. Always keep a eye on ANY bleeding though. Congrats on your pregnancy!

Is light bleeding natural before pregnancy?

This is a fairly common occurrence, with about 10% of all women experiencing some type of light bleeding during pregnancy. So it is not bad at all.

What is considered light vaginal bleeding during early pregnancy?

Its normal

If your period was 2 days late and you are having light vaginal bleeding id it safe to use a tampon if pregnancy is a concern?

Yes you should to make sure that your not pregenant, or having viganal discharge x

Is it implantation bleeding if you have been spotting light pink for four days and this morning it was light brown and light pink but your period is not due for five days?

Not necessarily no but implantation bleeding can appear as the bleeding you've described. Implantation bleeding will occur 6-12 days after intercourse. If you suspect pregnancy, see your doctor for a pregnancy blood test.

Will decidual bleeding be shorter than your normal period?

During early pregnancy, hormonal changes can cause ovulation or a thickening of the uterine lining that sheds, in spite of the presence of a fertilized egg. When this happens around the time of your normal period, it is called decidual bleeding and the amount of blood can be the same as a period. It occurs in about 30% of pregnancies and while bleeding in early pregnancy is always alarming, most woman go on to have a normal pregnancy. Light bleeding or spotting, before your period is due, may be implantation bleeding, again harmless. Always notify your doctor when you experience any bleeding during pregnancy.

Does withdrawal bleeding cause light cramping?


Does there have to be implantation blood present to be pregnant?

No, implantation bleeding is not a necessary symptom of pregnancy. Some women may experience light spotting or bleeding when the embryo implants in the uterus, but many women do not have any implantation bleeding and can still be pregnant. Pregnancy is typically confirmed through a positive pregnancy test.