No, laying on your stomach isn't harmful to the baby. He/ she is well protected in there and in time you will stop anyway because it wont be comfortable.
Can sucking in your stomach while pregnant be harmful?
I hope you mean that you're drinking the coffee and breastfeeding the baby. Yes, it is harmful for a baby, by whatever means the baby gets the coffee. There are ingredients in coffee besides caffeine that are dangerous to a baby, causing dehydration, stomach problems. The caffeine can increase the baby's heart beat, damaging an already small and fragile heart.
i have a sack in my stomach but no baby
yes and no cause if you have a miscarriage then you don't but otherwise no not possible!! A baby is never in the stomach. It is in the uterus and that makes the belly protrude. The stomach is full of stomach acid.
The baby is not in the stomach and would certainly die if it were. The baby is in the womb and yes they do die sometimes
no they are VERY safe animals but most things can be harmful to baby bunnies!
No it can't. <><><><> An unborn baby is actually carried in the womb, not the stomach.
Baby Tortoises are independent from their mothers as soon as she lays the egg.
The female penguin lays eggs. Then the baby penguins hatch from the eggs.
how long does a baby shark have to stay in the mothers stomach.