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Absolutely; any type of fuel or chemical vapor can be a potent Asthma trigger, as well as just a plain lung irritant. It just depends on a person's overall sensitivity.

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Q: Is kerosene fumes a asthma trigger?
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Related questions

What is trigger asthma?

pollen, dust, fumes, running (short of breath) etc.

Can kerosene heat give you respiratory problems?

Yes. Dry mouth and throat, cough, throat irritation from toxic fumes (especially if the kerosene lamp or heater is in a small room) can occur, along with exacerbation of asthma, COPD and other respiratory illnesses.

Does cockroaches have asthma?

no but they are a trigger

Is air pollution a cause or a trigger of asthma?

Neither actually it is not a cause of asthma nor does air pollution trigger it.

How does car fumes affect asthma?

it affects lungs

Can you get adult onset asthma from inhaling airbag fumes?

There is no actual cause of asthma except that its usually inheretied. Inhaling fumes of any kind on a long term bacis can not be good for you.

Are bunnies bad for asthma?

Yes, they carry allergens which could trigger asthma.

What substances or events can trigger an asthma attack?

A lot of mucuss observed broncholoties in the lung cause asthma

Can a kerosene heater fumes be harmful to a bunny?

YES! They breathe just like humans!

Are kerosene heater fumes dangerous?

Yes, inhaling kerosene heater fumes can be dangerous as they can cause symptoms like dizziness, headache, nausea, and respiratory irritation. Prolonged exposure to these fumes can lead to more serious health issues, so proper ventilation is important when using a kerosene heater.

Which statements is false regarding how ozone can affect the lungs and respiratory system?

Ozone can trigger Asthma attack in adults but not in children.

Can you be a sniper if you have asthma?

Yes, but it is not recommended as battle conditions are very likely to trigger possibly fatal asthma attacks