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Extremely. Jaundice is first noticed in the lingual frenulum (the little connecting strip you see is you lift your tongue up that connects it to the bottom of your mouth), then it is noticed in the eyes.

It is characterized by a yellowing of the skin and the above mentioned areas due to shutdown of the liver. When the liver ceases functioning properly a substance called bilirubin is no longer processed into conjugated bilirubin, and the buildup of bilirubin is what causes this yellowing effect.

If you notice this, HAVE A FAMILY MEMBER TAKE YOU OR GET TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM IMMEDIATELY. This is life-threatening and WILL BE FATAL if not taken care of immediately. YOU CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT YOUR LIVER.

Liver failure can be caused by not only alcohol abuse, but also overdose (over 4000mg taken at once) of Tylenol (acetaminophen) which is the most common component of prescription medications and is used as a filling agent due to it's inert (lack of) reaction with medications. Many variables can contribute to liver failure, but alcohol and OTC overdose or the 2 most common causes as far as I am aware (disregarding diseases which effect the liver).

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