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Q: Is it weird to like period in your mouth?
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an name for a Asian girl like me my name is minji so if you think asians are weird then shut your mouth an name for a Asian girl like me my name is minji so if you think asians are weird then shut your mouth

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because your are weird but don't worry I'm weird too.

Are you weird because you have not gotten your period at the age of 14?

No, this not weird.

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soap in the mouth

How do you feel when you get your first period?

Embarrassed, bad, weird, paranoid, scared, and like a pencil. Wait, what?

Is it weird for a boyfriend to use your period as a protein shake?

Yes, it is weird

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It looks like nothing, since they don't vomit, if your rabbit has weird stuff coming out of it's mouth GO TO THE VET.

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Bam Margera does talk out of the side of his mouth with that weird voice because he believes by doing that he will make his audience laugh.

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A girl getting sperm in her mouth will have no effects on her period

If you have weird cravings does that mean you are going to get your first period?

no. i used to crave the weirdest things months before i had my first period. girls are weird its just who we are

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Because of the shape of their mouth and tongue

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