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Q: Is it true that poliomyelitis results from damage to the myelin sheath around axons in the spinal cord?
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How do you divide poliomyelitis into its component word parts?

Poliomyelitis: polio comes from the virus called (poliovirus 1.2.3), myelitis is the inflamation of the myelin. But in this particular case of poliomyelitis we consider 'active infectious inflamation of the myelin in the anterior horn cell of the spinal cord.

How do you divide poliomyelitis into its word parts?

Poliomyelitis: polio comes from the virus called (poliovirus 1.2.3), myelitis is the inflamation of the myelin. But in this particular case of poliomyelitis we consider 'active infectious inflamation of the myelin in the anterior horn cell of the spinal cord.

What part of the nervous system is affected by poliomyelitis?

The myelin sheath surrounding nerves.

What best describes the myelin?

Myelin is a fatty substance that forms a protective sheath around nerve fibers. It acts as insulation, allowing for faster transmission of electrical signals along the nerve cells. Damage to myelin can result in neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis.

What is the function of myelin?

Myelin is the material that covers the spinal cord. It protects the cord from damage. If the myelin wears away, then a person is said to have Multiple Sclerosis.

What is the definition of myelin sheath?

A myelin sheath is a layer of myelin (a dielectric, or electric insulator) around the axon of a neuron.

What insulates nerve fibers?

Myelin insulation insulates nerve fibers by wrapping around them and forming a protective sheath. This myelin sheath helps to increase the speed of nerve impulse conduction along the nerve fibers.

The schwann cell forms a Myelin Sheath around what part of the nerve?

The Schwann cell forms a myelin sheath around the axon of the nerve.

Where is there an elevated level of myelin basic protein in the cerebrospinal fluid?

Elevated levels of myelin basic protein in the cerebrospinal fluid are commonly seen in conditions associated with damage to the myelin sheath, such as multiple sclerosis and other demyelinating disorders. This protein is a marker of myelin breakdown and can be detected as a sign of ongoing damage to the central nervous system.

The layer of lipid around an axon is called?

The layer of lipid around an axon is called myelin sheath. It acts as an insulator, allowing for faster transmission of nerve impulses along the axon.

What produce myelin in the brain and spinal cord?

Oligodendrocytes produce myelin in the brain and spinal cord. This process is known as myelination and the myelin will warp itself around the neurons.

What does the schwann cell form a myelin sheath around?

Schwann cells form a myelin sheath around peripheral nerve fibers in the peripheral nervous system.