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No, the bone doesn't go through the skull...the nasal bones are part of the skull and they break off and spear the brain. The blow has to be delivered properly or the person is going to survive and pummel you.

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Q: Is it true i you punch somebody so hard in the nose that th bone can go through the skull and kill tat person?
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The cast of Skull Punch - 2012 includes: Leon Cain as Ben Jamie Dunn as Frank Henry Nixon as Vincent

Can a punch cause brain damage and if yes how?

yes. a facial punch will move the skull faster than the brain inside can move. So the brain slams against the inside of the skull. normally known as a concussion, also.

What should you do if somebody has a fracture of the skull?

That person should be under the care of doctors. When it first happens, they need to be taken to the ER immediately. They can have a "bled" which will cause brain damage.

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you must being a member

Why does a punch on the jaw make you unconscious?

The brain is suspended in the skull by liquid. An impact to the skull hard enough to cause the brain to slosh through the liquid and hit the interior of the skull will cause unconsciousness. The amount of time that a person spends unconscious is determined by how hard the brain hits the skull. For the most part, it's not a hit to the jaw specifically that causes a KO. A shot to any part of the face that is hard enough to rattle the brain will do. However, the jaw is the most muscular part of the face; therefore, it is most favorable because a large amount of blunt force is needed to KO someone. The amount of muscle in the jaw means more cushion for your fist against the bone. This means more impact can be placed into the punch.

Does a upside down skull symbolize life?

Not for the person that skull belongs to ^_^

Who would win Batman or green goblin?

Batman hes freaking awesome he will batman punch goblin and break his skull!!

Are the bones in the humanskull separate?

Yes, the bones in the human skull are separate at birth but start to fuse together as a person grows. The skull is made up of several bones that eventually join together through a process called ossification.

What does a top head punch cause?

A top head punch can cause serious head and brain injuries such as concussions, skull fractures, and brain bleeding. It can lead to long-term damage and potential neurological problems.

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Red Skull

How bug is a human skull?

depends on the person

What passes through the foramen ovale?

Sphenoid bone of the skull. It is the most interesting bone in the skull.