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No it is not true.

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Q: Is it true The more a muscle shortens during a contraction then the greater the power of the muscle?
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What band shortens during skeletal muscle contraction?

during skeletal muscle contraction ,I band and H zone shortens. Sarcomeres

What is a concentric contraction?

concentric contraction is atype of muscle contraction which the muscle shortens while genrating aforce The muscle shortens to produce movement. A muscle contraction in which shortening occurs.

What shortens muscle contraction?


A contraction in which the muscle shortens and work is done?

B. isotonic contraction

Which region of a sarcomere shortens during contraction?

The region of a sarcomere that shortens during contraction is the H zone. The H zone is located in the center of the sarcomere and contains only thick filaments. When a muscle contracts, the thick and thin filaments slide past each other, causing the H zone to shorten.

What contraction that shortens the muscle but does not increase tension is called?

It is called concentric isotonic contraction.

What shortens contraction?

The interaction between actin and myosin filaments in muscle cells shortens the sarcomere during a contraction. Calcium ions released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum trigger this interaction, leading to the sliding of actin filaments over myosin filaments and shortening of the muscle fiber.

In an isotonic contraction the muscle?

shortens while maintaining constant tension.

When a muscle shortens it means what?

It is called a concentric contraction. The muscle gets shorter in preparation to do work.

When a muscle contracts?


What does contraction mean in medical terms?

contract or "contraction" is when a muscle fiber lengthens or shortens

What is isotonic range?

Isotonic range refers to a type of muscle contraction in which the muscle shortens during contraction against a constant load. This contraction allows the muscle to produce movement through a full range of motion. It is commonly used in resistance training to build strength and muscle endurance.