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There may be some bleeding, especially if you slid along it as you fell. There will also probably be bruising. You might feel dizzy, and will probably have a headache for a while. Most importantly, you could get a concussion. This depends on how hard you struck it. If you were very dehydrated at the time, there might be a greater risk of this, as well. If you continue to have symptoms for more than a day or two, you might want to get yourself checked out. You could also have someone do a eye response test. As they slowly bring the flashlight beam closer to your eye (do one at a time) the pupils of the eye should constrict (seem to shrink). If they remain the same or enlarge, then there was brain damage. This is helpful to let you know you do have a problem, but don't assume that if you passed the test that you do not have a problem. There is a helpful guide here you might be interested in:

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

If you hit your head on concrete you may need to see a doctor. Watch for signs of a concussion and if you experience any unusual symptoms, call you doctor for advice.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

It would hurt?!?!?!?! :L

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Q: Is it serious if you hit your head on concrete?
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Head Hits Concrete was created in 1999.

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Take him to the hospital!! DUUUH

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Seek medical attention immediately, as you may have a concussion or some other serious brain injury.

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