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no its not its just how u may feel

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Q: Is it seasonal affective disorder if you are depressed only on the gray days of winter and not the sunny days?
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Are you crazy if your depressed in the winter time?

no, probably seasonal affective disorder

What is the meaning of seasonal affective disorder?

Seasonal affective disorder is a mood disorder where one may become depressed only during certain seasons. The most common would be becoming depressed during the winter, also called winter depression or winter blues.

What is the medical term meaning depression caused by winter season?

Seasonal affective disorder.

What is another name for mild seasonal affective disorder?

SAD, sometimes called the "winter blues" or "winter blahs

What month has the highest rate of depression?

winter months, but that is due mostly to SAD (seasonal affective disorder).

How is melatonin linked to seasonal affective disorder?

Although researchers are not certain what causes seasonal affective disorder,they suspect that it has something to do with the hormone melatonin. excessive melatonin release during winter in people with SAD may account for their.drowsiness or depression

Someone who suffers from seasonal affective disorder (SAD) would probably?

Feel good in the summer but feels down in the winter

What is a light therapy lamp?

It is a 10.000 lux lamp which is used to treat seasonal affective disorder (winter depression). By using it for 30 minutes each morning, it activates serotonin receptors in the eye and works to improved depressed moood.

What does the winter blues mean?

Its called Seasonal Affective Disorder - SAD for short - and it has to do with the lack of sunlight received by the body during the winter months. That, in turn, is a result of the depletion of vitamin D that is produced when a person is exposed to less sunlight than a minimum required. Its actually a pretty complex process within the human body that produces and changes chemicals; nonetheless, the shortened daylight hours contribute to the condition.

How would a seasonal affective disorder light box benefit society?

A seasonal affective disorder (SAD) lightbox would benefit society. The lightbox would increase the low levels of Vitamin D in people who are susceptible to this disorder. Therefore, society would be more healthy and not have to worry about times when the sun is not always present, such as winter.

What are some symptoms of Winter Depression?

Seasonal affective disorder, also known as winter depression is a common mood disorder. Symptoms include lack of energy, difficulty waking up in the morning and difficulty concentrating.

Can seasonal affective disorder be cured?

.is estimated to affect 10 million Americans, most of whom are women. Another 25 million Americans may have a mild form of SAD, sometimes called the "winter blues" or "winter blahs." The risk of SAD increases the further from the equator a person lives.