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Hi We have a house in Vallarta and are due to travel from Scotland at the end of May. I contacted one of my friends there to ask about the situation yesterday (April 28) and his answer is below (in Spanish). Basically there are no recorded cases in Vallarta or even in the state of Jalisco and although some preventative measures have been introduced, life continues as normal. The problem is mainly confined to Distrito Federal (Mexico City) and San Luis Potosi. There is a belief that as the temprature rises the virus will not be able to survive. Hope this answers your question. Answer below Esta epidemia surgió muy repentinamente y por lo pronto está localizada solamente en la ciudad de México, área metropolitana y también en San Luis Potosí. Son los únicos

lugares en los cuales se ha registrado

En Vallarta han cerrado los bares y discotecas, en el estado de Jalisco no

se ha reportado ningún caso y para prevenir, esta mañana suspendieron las

clases de todas las escuelas por 10 días. Espero que para el mes de junio ya esté superada la crisis. Es un virus

estacional y dicen que cuando empiece a hacer más calor no puede proliferar.

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According to an article by Juan Ameen, in the Times Of on Sunday July 12, 2009, there had been six new cases, including a one year old baby boy and a Russian teen who had been tested and found to have Novel H1N1 Influenza and that made the count that week to be a total of 75 cumulative cases and 57 of them still active that week.

Malta is apparently one of the countries using quarantine procedures to help control the spread of the "Swine Flu" pandemic and those who have symptoms of the flu are given prescriptions for Tamiflu, while only the high risk groups of people like pregnant women, those with underlying chronic medical conditions like Diabetes or asthma and the elderly or frail are being tested. Those newer cases were in Gozo.

Before travel, it would be wise to check with a travel agent or the airline if flights will be involved in the travel plans to find out what you can expect regarding quarantine, should you end up with symptoms that will be found during post flight screening. See the related question below about international travel considerations in the various countries with H1N1.

The Malta Health Department asks all those who have flu symptoms to be responsible and stay home. Call the family doctor for advice on other treatment needs with antiviral medications or other preventive treatment.

The US Department of State "strongly urges Americans to consult with their medical insurance company prior to traveling abroad to confirm whether their policy applies overseas and if it will cover emergency expenses such as a medical evacuation. If necessary, Americans should consider secondary medical coverage for the trip.

The US Social Security Medicare Program does not provide coverage for hospital or medical costs outside the United States of America.

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14y ago

This will depend upon the time of the planned trip since the flu is sweeping rapidly across the globe with widespread outbreaks in an area one week and more sporadic outbreaks the next. To find out, at the time of the planning for a trip to any International location, what the situation is in that area, you can find helpful information in a number of locations besides the travel agencies, hotels at the destination, and airlines. See the related questions below for tips and sources for that additional timely information.

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H1N1 is only really dangerous to people with weak immune systems.

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What is diffarance between swine and pig?

"Swine" is a term used to refer to any member of the pig family (Suidae), which includes domestic pigs as well as wild pigs. "Pig" is often used specifically to refer to domesticated pigs raised for food production or as pets. In general, the term "swine" has a broader application than "pig."

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SWINE FLU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haven't you been listening to the news

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As of 2021, the Philippines has around 12 million pigs, making it one of the top pork-producing countries in Asia. The swine industry in the Philippines plays a significant role in the country's agriculture sector and economy.

Does travel insurance cover Swine Flu?

If you travelled before the warnings about swine flu, travel insurance should cover you. However, if you travelled despite knowing the warnings about swine flu, it is unlikely that they will cover you. It is best to check with your travel insurance company because every company varies

What is swine flu?

Swine Flu is a new strain of flu that originates from pigs and can travel to Humans. It started in Mexico

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swine flu is fake. it doesn't excist.

Can you try for a baby when Swine Flu is going around?

Yes, and if you are taking oral contraceptives and the doctor gives you an anti-biotic it can kill not only the bug, but the effectiveness of your pill.

What does a citzen minor need when they come back from Mexico?

A check for swine flu now with it going around. A passport is required for readmitance to the US.

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As of May 7, 2009: The US State Department still recommends that US Citizens avoid nonessential travel to Mexico. The World Health Organization is not recommending specific travel restrictions but advises travelers to be aware and alert to the WHO reports on outbreaks and use individual discretion to determine appropriateness of travel. It is not recommended that you travel if you are currently ill with suspected flu symptoms.

How many people died because of Swine Flu in Philippines?

In the Philippines as of July 3rd, 2009 there have been 1,709 confirmed cases of influenza A virus subtype H1N1 (aka swine flu) with one death, a 49 year old woman June 19th, 2009.

Is Swine Flu forgotten?

No it is not a lot of people have still got swine flu. Even the news is no doubt still going on about it.