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The milk will not harm you, how you put it in may do so. There would be no benefit and silly to do it.

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Q: Is it safe to put milk in the urethra?
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Is it safe to put milk in the anus?

The milk will not harm you, how you put it in may do so. There would be no benefit and silly to do it.

Is it safe to put milk in the button hole?

The milk will not harm you, how you put it in may do so. There would be no benefit and silly to do it.

Is it safe to put normal water or drinking water trough urethra into the bladder?

It is not advisable to put normal water into your bladder. You risk introducing bacteria into your urinary tract and cause an infection. Also, you run the risk of causing perforation of either the urethra or bladder, which would be a very serious complication.

When was Safe as Milk created?

Safe as Milk was created in 1967-09.

You like to put things in your urethra?


When did Safe As Mother's Milk happen?

Safe As Mother's Milk happened in 2002.

Is fresh milk safe to drink during pregnancy?

NoFresh milk is not safe during pregnancy.

Is filled milk safe for babies?

Filled milk is not safe for babies as if it is not handled properly it may cause several problems to babies. Mothers milk is always safe for babies.

Other than cow and goat milk what animal milk is safe to drink and sold to consumers?

horse milk sheep milk In Google you can find many references to milk and milk products and their safety, by entering "milk for human consumption". Doing this I found that not only cow and goat milk are safe, but also sheep's milk and mare's milk are safe and available, but not widely.

Do cows do chocolate milk or you put on the milk?

you put the chocolate flavoring in the milk

Is it safe to push liquid down the male urethra without a catheter?

...I'm gonna go with... no...

How does milk get from cow to your refrigerator?

Well first people milk cows by machine or by hand by the udder, next they put it in a jar and send it to a factory. The factory checks to make sure it is safe and healthy ( might add a few things) then it gets shipped to stores then you go to the store buy the milk and put it in your fridge.