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There should be no relation between the two conditions. It is fine unless the doctor says otherwise.

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Q: Is it safe to have hernia surgery if you have prostate cancer?
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When is it safe to ride stationary bike after hernia surgery?

Only your doctor can answer that.

I had kidney cancer they remuved my left kidney.two days later i had a mild heart attact.about 5 months after i had a nernia which i had removed.I now have another hernia in the same it safe to have another surgery,and what are some of my concern?

It shouldn't be more risky than other surgeries as it should be fairly minor to repair a hernia.

Is it safe to leave bandage in place longer than 48 hrs after open inguinal hernia repair?

there is no harm if proper precautions take during surgery to avoid infection

How long of a delay is safe between diagnosis of squamous cell skin cancer and excision?

A long period of time is not safe for your welfare... It is necessary to get yourself surgery immediately... The cancer will definitely spread and death is even possible.

Is it safe to travel by air with a hernia?

Yes, the plane is pressurized.

Learning About Hernia Surgery?

Hernias are tears or weak areas in the muscles that make up the abdominal wall. Hernias can be present from birth, or can occur as a result of injury, and are sometimes developed after abdominal surgery. Whatever the cause, repairing them requires hernia surgery. This article can help you understand the surgery options that are available, and what you should expect.There are two basic sorts of hernia surgery repair techniques, suture and mesh. In the first, the edges of the hernia are sutured together. That is, they are sewn with a type of surgical thread that will dissolve on its own as part of the healing process. Sutures are not often used alone because they require longer healing times. The area that is sutured can also be subject to further strain, which can cause a new hernia to occur.The other basic type of hernia repair utilizes a permanent mesh which is attached to the edges of the hernia. The mesh is made out of plastic that is well accepted by the body. During healing, the body grows new tissue over and around the surgical mesh, making the area stronger and more resistant to new strains or tears.Most hernia surgery is done laproscopically. Laproscopic surgery involves making two or three small incisions, into which a camera and surgical tools are inserted. The healing time associated with laproscopic surgery is much shorter than is usual for open surgery, making it an attractive choice. In some situations, open surgery is preferred over laproscopic. Talk to your doctor to find out which procedure is the correct one for you.There are many different options available for anesthesia during hernia surgery. General anesthesia, that is, being completely unconscious, is most common. Modern anesthetics are a very safe option for abdominal surgeries. Surgeries can also be performed using local anesthesia, along with sedatives to help calm the patient. Your surgeon can discuss anesthesia options with you.Recovery time after a hernia surgery will vary depending on the location and severity of the hernia, along with other factors. In general, a healthy person who has had laproscopic hernia repair can return to normal every day activity within days after hernia repair. It is advised to wait at least a couple of weeks before returning to sports or other strenuous activity.

What is a safe antihistamine for enlarged prostate?


What does a 1.5 psa test mean?

A PSA of 1.5 is very good. PSA is a measure of risk of prostate cancer (note: it's not the only indicator to look at; you should have your prostate checked regularly if you're over 50, even 40 to be safe). The higher the PSA, the higher the risk of prostate cancer. It's generally accepted that 4.0 and below is ok, above that and you should definitely have it checked out. Anything below 2.0 very good.

Is MRI of patient with hernia repair steel mesh safe?


Will removal of the prostate cause problems?

You have prostate related problems due to enlarged prostate. You get relief from the problems after removal of prostate. There are few problems like dribbling of urine after removal of prostate but then you are safe in the hands of your Urologist.

What are the most common prostate cancer symptoms?

Possible symptoms for prostate cancer could be a delayed or slowed start of urination, dribbling or leaking of urine (normally after already having urinated), a slow urinary stream, straining when urinating or not being able to empty the bladder fully, blood in urine or semen, bone pain or tenderness in the lower back and pelvic bone region. Note that any of these could or could not be prostate cancer, when in doubt make an appointment with your doctor. It's better to be safe than sorry and it'll ease your mind.

Is spinal stenosis surgery safe on children?

Spinal Stenosis surgery is not safe on anyone, it can be performed on children, but no surgery is ever safe. Yes it is possible to perform it on children, but nothing is ever safe.