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Yes you can. It is unlikely but anything can happen and you need to be prepared for them. Even when some people are on Birth Control AND have a condom, they can get pregnant. All they do is REDUCE the chance but there still is a chance. This is why you should NOT have had unprotected sex. Where was your condom?

I say that you should go and consult a docter just to be safe.

And if you are pregnant, DONT GET AN ABORTION. EVER. It is the same as killing a baby. Killing an innocent baby. You would be a murderer. The child will thank you for not getting an abortion.

Hope this helps.

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15y ago

You may not be able to know for sure if you're officially pregnant, but you can show signs within a few days. I personally had a lot of breast tenderness within 3-5 days of conception.

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Q: Is it possible to show signs of pregnancy two days after sex?
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