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Q: Is it possible to learn to wiggle your ears?
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Is it possible to wiggle your ears without moving your scalp?

If you are really good at wiggling your ears, you can probably do it.......

Can some people just not wiggle their ears?

yes, the ability to wiggle your ears is a genetic trait kind of like being able to roll your tongue. in my family of 7, four of us are able to wiggle our ears.

How do you make your ears move?

To make your ears move you need to think,''I can move my ears, I can move my ears, I know I can!'' Really hard. Then just look to your left and try to move your eyebrowns then your ears will move!!! Belive me it works.

How do you control wiggle tails?

If woman can learn how to shake it more--why can't they learn how to NOT wiggle so much?

How many people can wiggle their ears?

Approx. 4,397,816,568

What actors and actresses appeared in Wiggle and Learn - 2008?

The cast of Wiggle and Learn - 2008 includes: Jeff Fatt as Purple Wiggle Anthony Field as Blue Wiggle Sam Moran as Yellow Wiggle Paul Paddick as Captain Feathersword

Why does your ears stop up when you swallow?

Because your jaw is closely connected to your ears and your jaw moves when you swallow. That is also how you wiggle your ears.

What are the release dates for Wiggle and Learn - 2008?

Wiggle and Learn - 2008 was released on: USA: April 2008 Australia: May 2008 Canada: December 2008

Is it possible for a human to be able to wiggle their ears one at a time and at the same time?

Yes, some humans have the ability to independently move their ears, allowing them to wiggle them one at a time and even both at the same time. This ability varies among individuals and is more common in those who have developed the necessary muscle control through practice or genetics.

What are the release dates for Wiggle and Learn - 2008 Constable Anthony 1-15?

Wiggle and Learn - 2008 Constable Anthony 1-15 was released on: USA: 23 December 2008

What are the release dates for Wiggle and Learn - 2008 Henry Goes to Gawa - 1.11?

Wiggle and Learn - 2008 Henry Goes to Gawa - 1.11 was released on: USA: 18 December 2008

Name another talent that some people can do with their faces but others can't?

Some people can wiggle their ears independently, a talent that requires control over the muscles surrounding the ears. This ability is not common and not everyone can perform this feat.