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Hello Yes, I am afraid that there is - I have just been through this. I had a 'normal' first 11 weeks of pregnancy with no bleeding or stomach pains - I did have sickness but I thought this was normal pregnancy morning sickness. At 10.5 weeks I suddenly got some bleeding (light) and stomach pains like period pains. I had a scan 2 days later and they discovered - after some investigation - that it was ectopic although I had not had the typical symptoms. I had a laproscopy when I was excately 11 weeks. I don't think my story is typical but it can happen. Julie L. Oxford.

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14y ago

You can have an ectopic at 3 weeks. I had pain from the day I got pregnant. I felt a constant ache next to my hip bone from conception.

I had to have my tube removed because it was not seen soon enough. If you have pain contact your doctor ASAP, it could mean the difference of medicine vs. surgery.

Good Luck!

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13y ago

It is not likely, but it is possible.

The vast majority of ectopic pregnancies occur in the fallopian tube. In this case the tube would rupture way before this point, but it is also possible for the fertalized egg to attach in other places in the abdominal cavity. There are multiple cases where a baby has grown to full term implanted in the omentum or bowel.

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No, that would be called a premature birth

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13y ago

Huh wat do you mean after 18 weeks ? Do you mean can a pregnancy turn in to an ectopic if yes the answer is no wer the egg settles in stays it wont mov back in to ur tube and become ectopic

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Q: Is it possible to have a 5 month ectopic pregnancy?
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Could you have an ectopic pregnancy if you are bleeding every month but you feel pregnant?

An ectopic pregnancy usually becomes apparent around 5-6 weeks as the growing pregnancy stretches the Fallopian tube and may burst it. Most of the signs and symptoms of pregnancy can also be signs /symptoms of other conditions. see a doctor.

Will the uterus grow if i have an ectopic pregnancy the Dr said from a medical exam that my uterus was growing you were about 5 weeks But that was before you read about all this Ectopic stuff?

According to my dr. my uteurs grew I had an ectopic pregnancy of about 5-6 weeks. The dr. told me I had a healthy 5 week uterus. 2 days later my tube ruptered. I'd go get a second oppinion if I were you.

How long after having an ectopic pregnancy removed does the hcg hormone stay in your system?

If the ectopic pregnancy has been terminated (either medically or naturally) it should take around 2-5 weeks for your body to realise what has happen and ovulate again.

You do not get your periods nor is your pregnancy test positive since 6 weeks from date Is it tubular pregnancy?

I had an ectopic (tubular) pregnancy, and my home pregnancy test was positive by 5 weeks. I would go to your obgyn and get a blood test. They can check hormone levels to see if you are pregnant, how far along you may be, and if they feel it may be ectopic. Good Luck!

Your doctor has told you that you are 5 weeks pregnant but when a sonogram was done she could not see anything you have also been having pain on your right side She is concerned it may be ectopic?

Yes it can most likely be an ectopic pregnacy Yes it can most likely be an ectopic pregnancy

You had ectopic pregnancy last month and had surgery on Feb 5 Today you were told that your HCG level is higher over 300 What does that mean?

I had ectopic pregnancy last month on 5th and had emergency surgery. And that was bad because I did not have blood draw to check for my HCG level once weekly like I was told to, I was soo busy and did not think about going back to dr for blood works. Finally I went to see dr and I had my blood draw last Friday. And they told me today that my HCG level shows high over 300. Does that mean suppose to mean? If that means I am pregnant. How can that be possible? I mean so fast. Or could that be mistake?

What month in pregnancy does ballottement occur?

5 months

No symptoms with ectopic?

Symptoms of ectopic: It can be hard to tell if you are experiencing an ectopic pregnancy because so many women don't even know they're pregnant at the time they would notice any symptoms of an ectopic. Some symptoms of tubal pregnancy such as a missed menstrual period and vaginal bleeding or spotting two weeks later are similar to the early signs of pregnancy. About 1 in 2 women who are experiencing a tubal pregnancy notice abdominal pain on one side or the other. 1 in 3 women feel light-headed and about 1 in 5 have shoulder pain on the same side as the stomach pain.

Are you pregnant if you had a tubal ligation 5 years ago and are now 14 days late for your period and have taken 2 pregnancy tests and both were negative and you also just got over the flu 1 day ago?

It is unlikely that you are pregnant, but it IS possible. If you are pregnant, the odds are that it is an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy. Sometimes they show positive on home pregnancy tests and sometimes they do not. An ectopic pregnancy cannot be carried to term and cannot result in a viable baby. Without medical intervention, it will burst the tube relatively early in the pregnancy, which can cause you to be in grave danger due to blood loss, etc. You need to contact your doctor without delay and be evaluated to ascertain whether or not you have an ectopic pregnancy. Please don't wait - this could mean your life.

How do you detect an ectopic pregnancy?

Pain, pain and more pain on the side where the embryo has embedded in the tube, usually around 5-6 weeks.

What are the chances of having a ectopic pregnancy after a tubal ligation?

I had my daughter May of 2008 by C-Section& had my tubes tied at the same time. I found out the hard way I was prego June of 2009! Very scary! I almost lost my life! Doctor said my extreme pain & major loss of blood was due to a misscarriage. I was shocked, scared & confused. The pain is worse then the 2nd stage of contrations! Never thought that could happen, but it did. Please be very careful. Doctors dont know everything ecspeacially when it comes to this. Good luck & God bless you.

Is it possible to go more than three months in an ectopic pregnancy?

Absolutely not--it would have killed you or at the very least put you in the hospital from bleeding. It is possible. I just had an ectopic in June (I ended up taking methotrexate) and my doctor said there is no magic answer to that question. Each woman is different...some can go 3 months without feeling any pain others like my case, only 6 weeks. Best advice is go to your doctor if you have the slightest feeling something may be wrong. WELL the answer to that one is yes i was around 14 weeks 4 days pregnant when i had my ectopic pregnancy it didnt kill me im still alive but i was seriously ill i had to have emergency surgery as my blood pressure was soooo low due to the loss of blood needless to say i lost my baby and my right tube, i still managed to conceive afterwards to and now have a gorgeous 2 year old daughter :) Ectopic pregnancy actually means an out of place pregnancy. Some women with an ectopic pregnancy have gone full term (very rare). So, it really depends on where the egg implanted. Most tubal pregnancies are noticed between 5-8 weeks but even that can vary.