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It could but if you have symptoms these could be caused by the Birth Control pills not suiting your body. Talk to your doctor

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Yes, you can get pregnant if you do not take it every day.

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11y ago

Yes, if you ovulated and had sex during that time, you could be pregnant.

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Q: Is it possible to become pregnant after a week off the birth control pill?
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Is it possible to become pregnant if you are taking birth control and prescription drugs?

yes. nothing is ever guaranteed

Can you get pregnant by taking birth control?

No, birth control is intended to prevent pregnancy. You can become pregnant while on birth control, as no method is 100% effective, but it isn't the birth control that makes you pregnant.

Is it possible to become pregnant on birth control And what are the symptoms of pregnancy while on birth control?

Even the most effective birth control methods, such as IUDs and Implanon prevent unwanted pregnancy at a rate of 99.9%.

Will birth control force you to get your period even when you're pregnant?

No it will not. If you become pregnant, you will most likey not get a period, even if you are on birth control.

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Can you get pregnant with the take out method with out birth control?

Yes. The pull out method is not recognized as an effective form of birth control. It has a 27% failure rate and a woman can become pregnant from pre-cum.If you do not wish to become pregnant I highly recommend using a condom and/or an effective form of birth control.

Is it possible to remain on birth control not knowing your body is starting a pregnancy?

It's possible to be pregnant, on birth control, and not know it. If so, you'll just stop the birth control when the pregnancy is discovered.

Is birth control effective at preventing pregnancy?

it is effective to a point..but not always. you can still get pregnant using birth control. its a big preventor of pregnancy but its still possible to get pregnant.

Can you be pregnant if you spotted during your cycle while on birth control?

Always possible, not likely but possible.

Is it possible when you give birth can you child already be pregnant?

No. You have to have your period to become pregnant and you have to have a male figure

Can you become pregnant by not taking the active birth control?

The active birth control pills are the ones that prevent pregnancy. If you don't take those pills, you could get pregnant.

You stopped your birth control pills a week after having sexcan you become pregnant a week after stopping your pills but had sex aweek before?

Yes you can become pregnant a week after you have stopped taking birth control pills.