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No- beta hCG is a required hormone for pregnancy; if the embryo does not produce it, your period will come as if there had been no conception. That is part of why pregnancy tests are so accurate, because the hormone has to be there, if it isn't, you cannot be pregnant.

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17y ago
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13y ago

YES! It is very possible unless you are more than a few months along i suppose...

I was about 3 months pregnant with my first before i got a positive...and about 2 months with my second.

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17y ago

By then they should be able to detect.....because the hormone will be producing to care for the baby.

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15y ago

It is highly unlikely.

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Q: Is it possible to be 3 or 4 weeks pregnant and hcg levels still be too low for home pregnancy tests to read?
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it is effective to a point..but not always. you can still get pregnant using birth control. its a big preventor of pregnancy but its still possible to get pregnant.

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Yes it is still possible. See a doctor.

I have all the pregnancy symptoms of 5 weeks but i can't get a positive result am i pregnant?

Yes, it is still possible that you are pregnant. You will need to go to a doctor and have them draw blood to show that you are or have been pregnant recently. After 3 days they can do the blood test again and if your levels are still rising, then you are still pregnant. If they are falling, then you are no longer pregnant. Some people fail to show a positive on a pee type pregnancy test for up to 6 months, although it is /very/ rare. It is also possible that you have what is called a "hydatidiform mole" type pregnancy which means you are not carrying a viable baby, and that your hormone levels will be totally messed up. Your nausea would be much worse that with a normal pregancy, and you might not show as pregnant on a pee test.

Can you still get pregnant if you have not started your period yet?

No. ovulation has to occur in order for pregnancy to be possible.

If a women is bleeding and you have taken a pregnancy test is it possible she is still pregnant?

She may have had a miscarriage

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It's still possible to get pregnant if you are not a virgin or either have unprotected sex.

You had a period but Im still pregnant?

not possible, you either get your periods or you are pregnant (you don't get periods anymore through out pregnancy)

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No. ovulation has to occur in order for pregnancy to be possible.

Can you still be pregnant if hcg levels drop?

Alot of reasons can cause that. You could be pregnant and not know and having a miscarriage! Take a blood pregnancy test asap!

Has anyone had light spotting but no other signs of pregnancy and still be pregnant?

Yes, that is possible. Take a test

Can you have your perid and still be pregnant?

No, it is biologically impossible to menstruate while you're pregnant. However it is possible for you to bleed during pregnancy for a number of reasons, such as hormonal changes. If it acts like a period then it's most likely menstruation, but if concerned that you could be pregnant then take a pregnancy test to be sure.