No, it's biologically impossible for a woman to menstruate while she is pregnant - although she can bleed for other reasons during pregnancy such as a result of implantation bleeding, placenta becoming detached, or hormonal changes.
If a woman suspects she may be pregnant she should take a pregnancy test. If a woman is pregnant and experiencing bleeding she should see her doctor ASAP - if bleeding is heavy or she's late in pregnancy go to the hospital.
Could i be pregnant whileuse Krimson 35as a regular basis
Unlikely but not impossible
If you mean a period that only lasted two days, then it is possible. Some people experience bleeding during implantation, which they think is lighter (shorter) than normal menstrual bleeding. I'd take a home pregnancy test just to be sure!
Not having your period but spotting is int unusual during pregnancy.
If you have missed a period it is possible, that is what happened to me.
well pregnancy symptoms can start prior to period. 1week before your period symptoms may be seen. fatigue,nausea,frequent urination are the signs you can notice.
Those are all possible signs of pregnancy.
No, it is biologically impossible to menstruate while you're pregnant. However it is possible for you to bleed during pregnancy for a number of reasons, such as hormonal changes. If it acts like a period then it's most likely menstruation, but if concerned that you could be pregnant then take a pregnancy test to be sure.
yes, it is possible. get a pregnancy test.
Spotting is very common during the course of pregnancy and the combined symptoms of spotting then a missed period certainly could indicate pregnancy. However it is very common for women who are not pregnant to have a missed period or spotting. I suggest a pregnancy test which are readily available at almost any store and to consult your doctor.
Not possible unless you are sexually active and semen could have entered your vagina. If this worries you you will have to wait until you period. If you miss it after 5 days take a couple home pregnancy tests to be sure.