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Yes because your neck muscles are strong enough to push your food into your stomach even if your upside down

Though sitting upside down puts extra strain on your heart, making breathing slightly faster, eating upside down can be potentially dangerous in the aspect that most people inhale their food rather than swallow. Yes, as the other user said above, it is possible, but not because of the muscles in the throat. When you swallow, the muscles of the throat can, however, manage to push your food into the upper esophageal sphincter which pushes food into the esophagus, a narrow passage of muscles which is barely affected by your gravity. As the muscles of the esophagus contract, your food is pushed down (or in this case up) into the lower esophageal sphincter which quickly opens at the last second to allow your food passage into the stomach. In a simpler form, it's not about the strength, but the fact that the muscles are so tight and the process is so fast that gravity really has no affect on the process.

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yes if you swallow it will go to your stomach

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Q: Is it possible for food from your mouth to go into the stomach even when you are upside down explain it?
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