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Yes and no, depends on the given circumstances.

this is actually a fairly complex question to get into without having any bias or offense to anyone who may read. To continue, I tread lightly.

When Depressed, if from external reasons (work is rough, breakup with girlfriend, bad day/week, etc.) usually it is better to be social.

In situations from internal issues (medcial news, trauma, etc) it may be better to have some time alone.

Other reasons (drugs, paranoia, mental instability, etc.) should be dealt with professionally.

with all circumstances, time alone and time with others are both good. However, a consistant basis of isolation without break is often worse on the individual and those loved around (the depressed person).

Long story short:

Short periods of isolation are fine, lengthy periods are bad.

What you can do:

keep attempting to make contact, if even for brief periods, but don't push them too much (once a day might be too much sometimes too) to stop isolating themselves-- but don't give up. its probably what they need.

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