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no, you should ride in ride in the back set of a car, just in case an accident happen you and your baby have a better chance of making it out ok. also try to avoid driving.

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Q: Is it okay to ride on the back of a quad if your pregnant?
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Where can you ride a quad bike off road in the UK Excluding private land could you ride a quad on the beach?

no you are not allowed on the beach with a quad or motorcycle even if they are insured, but google for off road tracks near you where you can pay to ride your vehicle

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i believe the 700cc quad is the biggest you can ride on the road. not quite sure.

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As that was the cheapest animal so it was okay.

Can you ride a 100cc quad on cbt?

no. not in UK anyway.

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What is a person called if they ride quads?

It is a quad bike rider.

How old does a child have to be to ride a mini quad?

10 or over