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You should really avoid doing this.

Toilet paper is not very clean. Bear in mind that it is touched by people who are using a germ-covered toilet.

Aside from that, if a toilet is flushed without the lid being closed, microscopic particles of urine and faeces spray up in the air and may have landed on the tissue (and anything else in the bathroom, such as hairbrushes and toothbrushes).

By putting germ-covered tissue in your ear, you will make the infection much worse. Even a clean, untouched roll of tissue can contain germs from factory production.

Also bear in mind that tissue will prevent air getting to your ear, which, again, will worsen the infection.

If you are going to put anything in your ear, you should use clean cotton wool. Preferably medical-grade cotton wool, available from any supermarket or pharmacist. Wool prevents germs getting into your ear and also allows your ear to breathe.

You should see a doctor or pharmacist for anti-biotic treatment, most likely in the form of ear drops.

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Q: Is it ok to stick toilet paper in your ear when you have an ear infection?
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