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It is a matter of choice, BUT... After having a C-section it takes the body 4 years to heal from each c-section. In some cases up to six years. I had a cesearean with my first child. Then i found out I was pregnant when my daughter was 18 months old. I had complications the second time around. I had a cesearean the second time too, and it was not fun... I had complications with my blood pressure stablizing, effects of the epidural, etc. It was just so hard. And I was a strong and healthy 24 year old at the time. It took me longer to heal. If you get pregnant now, when you get ready to deliver it will be approx 18 months since the last C-section correct? So, it is possible to have similar complications, but if you take care of yourself and keep up with your regular checkups, things should be ok. If you can wait, try to. Give your body time to heal. As a midwife I have to agree with the above answer. However many things come into play here. Why did you have a c-section last time? Failure to progress? Pre-eclampsia? What type of c-section did you have? Lower segment? Have you discussed this with your obstetrician? My sister-in-law had a c-section for failure to progress in the second stage of labour in February 84 and in October 85 had her second baby so quickly she only just got to the hospital in time. She went on to have 3 more vaginal deliveries. On the other hand I have a friend who had a c-section for breech twins, then 3 years later in labour her scar ruptured and she had to have another c-section and a hysterectomy to save her life and that of the baby.

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18y ago
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16y ago

As soon as your first ovulation gives you a fat juicy egg to fertilize. I'm not sure why you attach significance to the C-section? Phil The same as a woman who gives birth are extremely fertile after giving birth & can get pregnant at any time, even without having the telltale period.

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12y ago

I don't know why it is hard for you and you should ask your doctor about this based on your case because if it has healed right there should not be a problem. It could be scarring. I do know that many thinks that just because it was easy the first time it will take the same time with the second baby and that is not the case. Normally it can take 12-18 months to get pregnant. If nothing has happened after 18 months, see a doctor. The chance to get pregnant is only open a 1-2 days a month after all.

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16y ago

They told me that is much easier to get preg the second and third time around.If your periods are regular again , and are ovulating, then there is a good chance. Hope this helps.

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15y ago

It's different for everyone. Some people get it about a month afterwards, others don't get it for another six months.

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14y ago

I would imagine it's certainly possible, albeit it's not very advisable. The general consensus is that one should wait six months to a year until getting pregnant again after a c-section.

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14y ago

Absolutely. A cesarean section has become a very routine procedure for giving birth. Afterward, your uterus heals completely, and most woman have absolutely no trouble conceiving again.

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13y ago

after passing of minimum 9 to 11 months of ceaseran operation , woman will be ready for taking care of another pregnancy.

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14y ago

You should wait at least a year.

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