

Best Answer

if you dont have kidneys yes, dialysis does exactly what a normal functioning kidney would do

the better answer would be if a doctor recommended it for you

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Q: Is it ok once a week dialysis?
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How long can you live once kidneys stop?

Without dialysis or a kidney transplant, a person may only survive a few days to a week once their kidneys completely fail. However, with proper medical intervention, dialysis, or a transplant, life can be prolonged significantly.

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What will be the side effect of a 84 old person who has to have dialysis three times a week?

The same side effects that anyone who is on 3 times a week dialysis. Possible low blood pressure, which can cause a feeling of weakness, nausea. Fatigue.

Do you need dialysis if your liver is bad?

Dialysis is for kidney failure. It takes over the job for many of the kidney functions, and cleans the blood from build up of waste when you can't remove the fluid yourself through urination. The kidneys direct the body to replace your red blood cells, and regulates the storage of Vitamin D. Protein is hard on kidneys that are failing, so a special diet is usually recommended. Once you are on dialysis, you will need more protein again. Dialysis is typically done 3 times a week and for about 4 hours per session. You can go to a dialysis center, or if you are able to manage it, use a dialysis machine at home. There is a type of dialysis that uses your own body to circulate the fluids that draw out the waste, called Peritoneal Dialysis.

Once a week?

Once a week

What is a dialysis technician practice test and how many times a year is this test taken?

A dialysis practice test is taken to ensure that you have the retained the knowledge you learned in college regarding dialysis. You need to take this test just once a year.

How much tuna is OK in a week?

2 a week

Is it ok to talk once a week with your long distance boyfriend?

Unless this is a long distance relationship, you should definitely be talking more often.

Do you feel tired or week after dialysis?

Each patient reacts to dialysis differently. Some are able to resume their normal activities right away. You may however, feel tired and washed out afterwards and need to rest.

Is it ok if you skip playing with your hamster 1 day each week?

Obviously it's ok. For me, i do not even play with my hamsters but i put in a hamster exercise ball once a week for it to run around the house. Your hamster won't forget you etc if that's what you are worried about if you don't play with it.

Is it good to dye your hair twice a week?

no it isn't it is bad for your hair you want to keep it neat and healthy at least once in four years is ok

Why is eating fast food isn't bad if you only ea it once a week?

it is a opinion because some people might think it is bad,but others might think it is ok