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You need to go and speak to your doctor or midwife as soon as possible

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Q: Is it normal to lose a clot early pregnancy?
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Is it a normal to lose a great deal of liquid during the 9 month of pregnancy?

No it is not normal to lose a great deal of liquid during pregnancy if it results in loss of weight, a pregnant female must be ganing weight. If the fluid loss is due to vomiting, this is normal. But if you believe you are vomiting more than normal, and causing you to lose weight, this is called hyperemisis gravidum, and your Dr. can treat you.

Pregnancy symptoms stopped very early and had a full term pregnancy?

It is very normal to lose some or all of your pregnancy symptoms during pregnancy and continue on to have a healthy baby. each pregnancy is very different. some women never have morning sickness where others end up in hospital dehydrated. I have had 5 pregnancies and with each one, I found out very early (in the 3rd week or early 4th week) then Id find the symptoms would disapear, but usually around 6 -8 weeks I would get morning sickness etc back. goodluck It is very normal to lose some or all of your pregnancy symptoms during pregnancy and continue on to have a healthy baby. each pregnancy is very different. some women never have morning sickness where others end up in hospital dehydrated. I have had 5 pregnancies and with each one, I found out very early (in the 3rd week or early 4th week) then Id find the symptoms would disapear, but usually around 6 -8 weeks I would get morning sickness etc back. goodluck

Is it normal to lose appetite during pregnancy?

Yes. Although it is different for every woman. It is important not to lose weigh though, even if you lose your appetite. If you have a hard time eating, try drinking a meal replacement shake to ensure proper nutrients.

Should you see a doctor if you have a blood clot in your wrist?

You're going to lose your hand if you don't get the clot taken care of. It will stop blood flow to your hand and it will have to be amputated.

Do you still somehow lose ova regularly during a normal pregnancy?

No, you do not ovulate during pregnancy. The reason you menstruate is because you have a egg that is not fertilized. That egg along with the lining of the uterus comes out during menstruation. During pregnancy the uterus is closed to protect the fetus and you do not ovulate or menstruate.

Is weight gain an early sign of pregnancy?

No, it is not a sign of early pregnancy. It is definitely not a sign of pregnancy. ***I disagree completely!! Here is a website to check out for any other who might have been misinformed by the following answer above: On this site, it lists the early symptoms of pregnancy; the last paragraph states: "Weight loss: Many women lose weight during early pregnancy due to food fetishes. One must eat healthy foods at frequent intervals to maintain the nutrient level of the body." Hope this helps!

Is it okay to lose weight before pregnancy?

it depends on how overweight are you.its ok to come to your normal BMI before conception.take good nutrition and folic acid supplementation.

What happends when you misscarry in a pregnancy?

You lose the baby.

If pregnant with twins can you lose one and not the other?

It happens quite often. It is called the vanishing twin syndrom

Do a lot of celebrities lose parents early in life just like normal everyday people?

since they are people just like us, then yes they do

What term means the spontaneous loss of a pregnancy 20 or more weeks after the pregnancy began?

If you lose a baby after 20 weeks of pregnancy, it's called a stillbirth. If you lose it in the first 20 weeks, it's miscarriage.

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