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yes and no. if you have been sexually active two weeks prior to your expected period you should wait a week before going to the doctor or taking a home pregnancy test. if not theres nothing to worry about, it should be coming the next day!

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14y ago

Yes:) dont be sacred. It is very normal. Sometimes it happene 5-6 days later. For more info. Call me dr. Manish +919681935614.

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Q: Is it normal to have your period 1 day late?
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1 day late and the next day have light spotting?

If your period is one day late and the next day you have light spotting, it could be the beginning of your period. It is quite normal for the first couple of days of your period to be light.

Does it affect your cyle if your 1 day late puttin the nuva ring in?

If you're a day late inserting nuvaring, you may have a different timing of your period. Putting it in a day late also increases your risk of pregnancy, so tkae a pregnacy test if your period is late.

Do you count the first day of your last period to see how many days you are late?

Yes. From the first day of the last period you had - count forward 28 days (or when you expected to start). Day 29 would be 1 day late.

Can you abort naturally if you are missed period 1 DAY LATE?

no. it means your late is all. it doesnt mean your preggo necessarily.

Period is 1 day late got bloating and weird pains in stomach?

answer I think you period is on it way. Don't worry and stress out that could be causing it to be late. A late period can be caused by diet, age and stress. answer I think you period is on it way. Don't worry and stress out that could be causing it to be late. A late period can be caused by diet, age and stress.

Why get white discharge 1 week after missed period?

That normal that discharge your period could be late because your irregular, stress, diet and age which can cause it to not come.

You are taking the pill and your period stopped after 1 day?

It is normal to have light periods or no period at all while birth control.

What if you had sex 1 day before period now period 1 week late?

You used a condom: Highly unlikely. You didn't use a condom: Quite possibly.

You are 1 week late for your period now what do you do?

This is normal for some people and all you have to do is be cautious and ready for it, cause you never know when it will come

When do you know when your period is late?

well, first of all, it matters how many periods you have had. if this is like your 1-6 period then it is normal to start a little later or earlier. if not then i would say you would know when you are about 2 or 3 weeks late.

The last 2 month ive only had a period for 1 day is this normal. im on the pill?

Yes skipping periods is perfectly normal. Some women don't have there period at all while on the pill.

What happens if you get your period the next day you miscarriage?

Normal bleed after a miscarriage is 1-2 weeks so it's not your period. You get your period back sometimes within 8 weeks from the miscarriage.