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White discharge is your body's way of cleaning itself (which is why products like douches are unnecessary). If the discharge is a thick consistency, lumpy or has an odor, it could be a sign of something more serious and you should contact a medical professional. ~ T

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18y ago
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13y ago

For a man, no.

For a woman, if there is no odd smell, and it doesn't irritate, this is normal. Having a white discharge is quite normal. You will usually see it on your panties. Only be concerned it is quite smelly and there is lots and lots of it.

As vaginal discharge, this is known as cervical mucus. Your cervical mucus changes during your cycle. You will find that near the time of ovulation your vagina area will be "wet" while other times it is "dry." While you are ovulating, your cervical mucus will be clear (like raw egg white), slippery and stretchy. At other times in your cycle it will be white or creamy and quite sticky.

Yellow discharge usually means signs of thrush.

When in doubt, get checked out.

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15y ago

having discharge is your bodies way of cleaning out the vagina. it's a normal healthy thing to get discharge before your period so don't worry. it's very very very common (i know i have it!) aslong as your discharge in anyway smells, changes colour or becomes very thick i would advise to see a doctor as this may be an infection. but to cut a long story short... its very normal. hollee x

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14y ago

Yes it does. This is known as discharge which you can have up to 2 years apparently. No worries though. Just when you have your period use a hot water bottle for period pains, you can use tampons or pads!

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17y ago

Yes. Even if it's a week before your period, you can still have a small amount of discharge. Pantiliners can help keep it from getting in your underwear.

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13y ago

You are supposed to have discharge every day.

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13y ago

yes, because that is the main sign of puberty

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11y ago

Yes it is normal.

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Q: Is it normal to have some discharge before your period?
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Some clear discharge is normal. Especially prior to your menstrual cycle.

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Yes it is normal. Thick white discharge is common at the beginning and end of your cycle. Clear and stretchy discharge is 'fertile' mucous and means you are ovulating. It is not normal if the discharge is accompanied by itching. If itching is present your discharge could indicate a yeast infection.

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nobody can tel you exactly when you will start your period and i know that can be very frustrating for some however it is known that most people start their periods soon after getting their discharge has turned white. i hope this was helpful and good luck! <3

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What stuff comes before a first period?

Yuu Need A Discharge Before Yuur PeriodI Am 13 And I Still Dont Have Mine :(But i No All About ItYou will need a discharge or some cramps headaches sore breasts and moodswings