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no it just means your out of shape. and should do it more often to make the pain go away

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Q: Is it normal to have lower abdominal pain after intercourse for two days.could that be because of UTI or some other infection?
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Monistat should not cause a condom to fail, if that is what you are asking. Monistat is used to treat yeast infections. If you have a yeast infection you should not be having intercourse at this time because you can give your partner a yeast infection as well.

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probably not, it could be a number of things. if it is a new partner it could a result of roughness during intercourse, it could be a result of you not being wet enough during intercourse. depending where the pain is it could be a cyst on the cervix or higher up. it could also be a yeast infection or a bladder infection. without more details that is the best i can give you. if it persists i would contact a physician

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The source of an autogenous infection is typically the flora already found within yourself. An example is the bacterial flora that is typically housed in a safe manner in the digestive tract. If introduced to the abdominal cavity due to a rupture of lets say the duodenum, you become extremely ill and possibly die because of the flora you already host.

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well masturbation is good because you cant get any stds or get prego annnd it serves as an alternative to intercourse when intercourse is not available.

I think I have a bladder infection but I read that people starting to be sexually active get them which is me Should I be worried?

You should discuss any sort of infection or discomfort with your parents or a doctor. A doctor would be your best bet as they can tell you exactly what is going on and what to expect. Women and girls get bladder infection due to bacteria even though they never or hardly ever have sex. For some women they keep getting it and then it might be because they get bacteria during intercourse. That does not have to be your case. Bladder infections are not uncommon.

Why fanny fart during intercourse?

because it increases the female orgasm.