This is probably normal if your gums hurt.
The root of a tooth that has a bridge over it may in fact hurt. This can be caused by the bridge pushing into the gums, causing swelling and sometimes pain.
gingiva (gums)
The part of the tooth above the gum is the sulcus this is the neck of the tooth.
Most tooth bleaching products are not harmful to your gums. If you notice any soreness or changes in your gums after using a tooth bleaching product I would stop using it and contact your dentist right away.
your gums.
Yes, it is common for the gums to be swollen and sore. You can put some orajel or some clove oil on them to soothe them and reduce the swelling. If it persists, see your dentist.
Gums can be cleaned with toothpaste and a soft tooth brush. Gums can also be cleaned at the dentist. Gums can also be cleaned with purchased products made for the cleaning of gums.
Tooth decay.
yes yes yes
because the oral surgeon did not remove the "entire" tooth during the extraction.
yes children can have bad teeth even with regular brushing because your tooth still misses some plaque and so your gums become inflamed and then if you don't brush your teeth properly to make your gums go back to normal you will have to have your gums cut open.