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This is a sign of the circumcision not having been done properly. The shaft of the penis is normally hairless, but erection of a tightly circumcised penis can pull hairy scrotal skin on to the shaft, causing discomfort on intercourse.

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Q: Is it normal to have hair growing up to the circumcision line?
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Hair grows by itself, you don't have to do anything to grow it. Thread the remaining/surrounding hair and leave the hair in the line alone :-)

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Well, you will start to see your natural hair colour at the top of your head, it will only be a small line, these will be your roots, some people like to leave their roots so they can get a nice faded hair colour, but if you still want your solid colour I suggest going for a touch up. Hope this helped:)

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try using parachute therapie because it helps reducing hair fall and helps preventing a receding hair line

What is madam cj walker hair line name?

what is madam cj walker hair line name Madam C. J. Walker's hair products