Yes, perfectly normal. It's called implantation bleeding.
Yes, it is possible, but it is not recommended and it is not healthy to gain that much weight during the first trimester. Most of your pregnancy weight gain should happen during the second trimester.
The website Womenshealth offers a nice overview of the stages of pragnancy. This also includes a section about the developing baby in the first trimester.
Usually you will feel tired your first trimester. Try to take naps during your lunch time. Your second trimester is much better and you have a lot of energy.
It is VERY normal to feel tired during your second trimester. Although many think that while in your second trimester you should have the most energy, it is not uncommon to feel tired. I am 24 weeks pregnant and I feel like I cant get enough sleep. When I asked my doctor, she said it was perfectly normal! So ladies, REST up! because we all know, when the baby comes, we wont be doing much resting!! good luck!
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About 12 lbs.
In first trimester your Doctor would like to avoid this medication containing Metronidazole. But ifnecessary, it may be given for minimum period. From second trimester, it can be given, without much hesitation.
I just wanted to add a response to this question. I was told to abstain from sex if I was having any kind of spotting/staining during the first trimester of my pregnancy. spotting while your pregnant is not normal, but after sex is. The reason why you stop aftersex means that your ripped a little and that is normal just try to be more careful with sex next time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. i know from experience :) hi it's lulu and when you spot when your pregnant your either having sex too much or you are having it to rough. dont get worried it wont affect the baby
Pregnant women should take care when exercising in all trimesters, to be honest, because all of them come with different risks: First trimester is where the baby is smallest and therefore most vulnerable. There is more risk of miscarriage in this trimester, so women should take care not to do anything overly strenuous Second trimester is where there is a risk of premature birth. Although some babies survive being born in the second trimester, it is risky and many do not survive. So women should take care during exercise in the second trimester to lower the risk of premature birth Third trimester is where there is not so much risk because the baby would survive being born in the third trimester, however, the mother may find it difficult to exercise during this trimester due to back ache, needing to pee more, exhaustion and a large bump. Also, she may find she gets out out breath very easily or gets hot very quickly
Hiccoughs are always normal. Don't worry so much!
There could be a couple of reasons for this: # Some women are fortunate enough to not experience much morning sickness, if any at all. # Week 12 is the last week of your first trimester. Most pregnancy symptoms (or at least the morning sickness, tender breasts) tend to fade after the first trimester. So if you at one point had morning sickness and now you do not, it could just be that you are starting to go into your second trimester. As long as ALL of your pregnancy signs do not start fading and you do no start bleeding or cramping, I think you will be okay. But be sure to call your doctor if you do start to bleed or cramp.