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Q: Is it normal for your blood sugar to go up and down if you are not diabetic?
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Explain why there is too little sugar in the blood if the person exercises more than usual?

Because Insulin is taken to break down sugars and carbohydrates from food a normal blood sugar level when your pancreas is working is around 3mmol. If you take too much insulin it will take your sugars below normal levels a diabetic level should be around 7mmol

What in the world is a diabetic cookbook?

A diabetic cookbook is a cookbook that is used for diabetics. These usually include the carb counts that are in the food items. They are used to help keep the blood sugar down.

How do you control your blood sugar level if you think it has taken a dip?

Diabetes mellitus, by definition, is an inability to properly process blood glucose. The untreated, out-of-control diabetic has abnormally high blood sugars, and the diabetic who wishes to keep his or her blood sugars down in the normal range uses diet, exercise, oral medications, and/or insulin to get them there. For whatever reason, sometimes the sugars dip too low, and hypoglycemia results.

How the assimilation of glucose by a non diabetic person differs from that of a person suffering from diabetes?

It's important to note that there are two types of diabetic people, literally called Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 diabetics do not produce insulin, while Type 2 diabetics are resistant to insulin. While the reason for it is different, the commonality is that diabetic people effectively lack the insulin that normal people use to regulate their blood sugar levels. For a non-diabetic person, when their blood sugar rises their pancreas secretes insulin to help break down the glucose, and when their blood sugar is low their production of insulin slows. For a diabetic person, this system is malfunctioning, which causes them to either not produce enough insulin or not properly utilize what they have.

How does insulin helps in control of diabetic?

if you are diabetic it means your body can not break down the sugar you give it proparly. so diabetic people take insulin which breaks down the sugar for you. that is roughly right, my friend is diabetic. if you want further information talk to a diabetic nurse or look at wikipedia.

What to do for a 8 year old diabetic when blood glucose is 492?

I'm a diabetic and when my blood sugar was that high they gave me insulin and medicine to bring it down. to naturally get it down excercise and diet if this is the first time and it won't go away or it keeps happening you might want to take them to the doctor.

What happens when Insulin injections are given without food?

When insulin is injected without food, it can lead to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) because there is no food for the insulin to act on. This can cause symptoms such as dizziness, confusion, sweating, and shakiness. It is important to coordinate insulin injections with meals to maintain blood sugar balance.

Is your blood sugar high if it is 193 right after lunch?

no if you have just eaten then that good if in 2 hours it's not down take insulin trust me im diabetic

What. Is. Glucose tolerance test?

A glucose tolerance test helps check if someone has Diabetes. (This might be type-2, type-1, or gestational. ) The test deliberately elevates blood sugar, then monitors how quickly the pancreas can secrete insulin to bring sugar down to normal levels. The speed of lowering and the final blood sugar level after a few hours show pancreatic peak capacity. This test is needed because blood sugar level varies over time and so one reading cannot, by itself, be used to determine if a person is diabetic. The test can also determine if someone is borderline or pre-diabetic, if their final blood sugar levels are acceptable but the speed of lowering is not as good as usual.

What are qoutes of Nick Jonas?

slow down sugar i am diabetic < -- nick Jonas

How do the pancreatic alpha cells of type 2 diabetic contribute to high blood sugar concentration?

When the pancreatic alpha cells respond, they secrete glucagon to signal cells to break down glycogen into glucose. As cells release sugar, blood glucose concentration increases.

Does a starch affect a diabetic the same as sugar?

Yes because Starch is carbs. Carbs turn to sugar in the body to be used for energy. Once this happens, Your blood sugar will raise. So starch and sugar areeee the same thing. They're just broken down differently.